Dr. Lisa Baughman has been in the healthcare industry for more than 30 years. Her commitment to people and education has served as a chronicle throughout her career. She has worked in both public and personal health, as well in government and private institutions. Her experience ranges from Women’s Health, Adult Medicine, and Pediatric Primary Care. Lisa currently works in South Los Angeles as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Heroes 1st facilitates health initiatives and programs to empower the military community with knowledge and information to develop, maintain, and live a healthy lifestyle. The focus is on physical and environmental health and well-being through disease prevention and health promotion.
Services include:
Review each clients completed health and wellness questionnaire.
Health screenings and examinations with recommendations
Referrals to healthcare providers to manage and treat medical diagnoses
Collaboration and coordination with health professional organizations to implement health educational seminars and fairs
Assessing and referring intellectual and developmental disability clients to appropriate resources and state regional centers.